Production Chemistry Symposium 2025
The international conference for professionals working with chemistry related to oil and gas production, CO2 transport and hydrogen.

Either you are a regular or a newcomer we have the pleasure, once again, to welcome you to the preferred event discussing production chemistry challenges and innovative solutions.
The production of oil and gas and the strong awareness not harming the environment, is continuously, urging the industry and academia for better, innovative, and sustainable solutions, today and for decades to come.
It is imperative that the operation industry and researchers have continual interaction and integration, including different disciplines and industry sectors, and the Geilo symposium deliver that.
A pre-conference course, "Energy Transition and Production Chemistry" will give an opportunity to go deeper into this specific topic.
Program 2025
The program committee has concluded and we har happy to announce that the program 2025 is finalized and packed with vital news from both the industry, the academia and the technology providers.
Here are some of the program sessions
- Histories and H2S
- Mercury
- Flow Assurance
- Separation
- Corrosio
- Methods and Analyses
Key players will give new sight from oil&gas field experiences, case studies, research findings and idustry innovative developments balanced with topics related to energy shift.
We encourage all players working in the industry to participate, but especially young professionals. T
The symposium is preferred by professionals, not only because of the high technical content, but also due to the unique atmosphere the venue facilitates for learning and networking.
Why attend?
The symposium gathers professionals, who possess, invaluable knowledge and decades of experiences, mixing that with younger professionals who are new to the energy business will be of high value for innovative solutions.
This is the most unique event to discuss ideas, build on input from others and develop a range of solutions to the ever-changing production chemical challenges.
Vestlia Resort, has the perfect informal atmosphere, conducive to lively and open discussion as well as for networking and building business relations.
The symposium celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2025.
Since the beginning, it has been a vital forum for innovation, allowing operators, researchers, scientists, engineers, students, and suppliers the opportunity to meet in an open and constructive way.
Dont miss out on this, save your seat today