Mar. 25–28
Vestlia Resort, GEILO
Member of Tekna NOK 7900,-
Ordinary fee NOK 8900,-
Younger professionals NOK 5500,-
Tekna Student memberNOK 2500,-
Speakers NOK 5750.-
Short Course NOK 2500,-
Exhibition space NOK 12000,- (no delegate pass included)
Exhibition and Sponsor NOK 17000,- (no delegate pass included)
Sponsor Only NOK 7000,-
25% Vat will be added.
Fee to be paid prior to the conference to Tekna
Cancellation Policy:
Canellations made after March 11th will be subject to a cancellation fee of NOK 3500,-
Cancellations made after March 18th fee will not be refundable.
Cancellations are only accepted in writing.
Lise Olaussen, Project manager
[email protected]
Cell Phone + 47 93259551