Competency mapping
Whether you’re looking for a new job, need more training or want to stay where you’re at and develop your skills there, having deeper insight into your own competency, interests and experience will help you get into the best possible position right out of the starting gate.
Strategic competency mapping
Through providing you with a few simple tools, Tekna helps you put in words what it is you can do as well as what interests and motivates you.
Your competency is valuable, so it’s important that you keep it updated. It’s also important for you to be able to articulate what you’re good at doing.
Give yourself time to do this type of self-development. You can choose to complete all of the following modules in one sitting or do parts of them whenever you feel the need.
These modules will help you reflect on the following questions:
- Who are you?
- What are you good at doing?
- What do you want to do?
How to get started?
Set aside some time to try the module you feel is most relevant for you.
Everyone wants to look away and into the future, but the most important thing you can do for yourself now is to look inward. This is because by doing this type of self-reflective competency mapping work, you’ll not only help clarify your professional and relationship strengths but also increase your own sense of mastery and self-esteem by showing yourself and others just what it is you’re good at doing.
The goal of strategic competency development is to increase your essential competency (ie skills) in a timely manner. This requires you to keep up with the workplace’s competency needs in order to be capable of implementing useful actions to improve your own work situation. The more insight you have about yourself and your professional/relationship strengths, the easier it’ll be for you to sell yourself to a potential employer.
You’ll have a better chance of owning your professional development if you approach the process systematically. For instance, doing these exercises will give you useful preparation for a job search, performance review or starting point for speaking with a career advisor.
If you need to speak with an advisor, we recommend that you contact, a free public service where you can speak with a professional career advisor by phone/chat.
If you have a CV/cover letter you’d like us to review, you can either send it to us or use CV Builder.
Take the next step in your career
Tekna offers you a variety of services if you’re looking for a new job or want to develop your skills in your current one.
A GAP Analysis ia a simple tool you can use to figure out your competency gaps and how you can create an action plan to close these gaps.
Are you a Tekna member? If so, you can submit your CV and/or cover letter to us, and we’ll gladly give you feedback and tips for improvement.