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International and Nordic cooperation

The professional network Tekna Norwegian Association of Surveyors  represents Norway in several Nordic, European and international alliances.

International cooperation - FIG

FIG - International Federation of Surveyors is the central international land surveyor organization with 110 member countries. Both Tekna Community Developers and GeoForum appoint Norwegian commission delegates to FIG.

European cooperation - CLGE

CLGE - The Council of European Geodetic Surveyors was established in 1962. This organization was established to maintain land surveyors’ – The Geodetic Surveyor – professional interests in the European Union; it currently has 35 member countries.

Nordic cooperation

The Nordic Ombudsman Council for Land Surveyors was established in the 1920s; the Tekna Community Developers network represents Norway in this organization. Other participating networks include Samhällsbyggarna (Sweden), Landinspektørforening (Denmark) and Lantmäteriingenjörers Förbund (Finland).