Norwegian professionals for the built environment
The professional network Norwegian professionals for the built environment cooperates closely with Norwegian authorities and governing bodies to develop the field; if desired, you can get involved in this work. And as a Tekna member, you can sign up for the network at no cost or obligation.
The Story of Norwegian professionals for the built environment
Founded in 1907 under the name Utskiftningskandidaternes Landsforening, it was later named Norges Jordskiftekandidatforening. In 1982, the association became part of the Norwegian Society of Chartered Engineers (NIF) – today Tekna, and in 2015 the name was changed to Tekna Community Developers. Read the full story (in norwegian).
Follow us on:
Follow the Sectioning Professional Forum on Facebook!
- a forum for those who work with condominium sectioning, whether you are a developer, case worker, or just interested.
Follow the Land Acquisition Professional Forum on Facebook!
- a forum for those who work with the process of acquiring land or rights, for example for public roads.
Do you want to get involved?
If you want to contribute and get involved in this professional network, please contact us for more information.
For tiden ingen personer å vise.
The Board of Norwegian professionals for the built environment
HeadIvar HebnesField Geospatial AS
Deputy HeadMagnus BillingBane NOR SF
Board MemberHåkon AuglendSandnes kommune
Board MemberLeif IngholmOslo kommune Fornebubanen
Tekna RepresentativeLilly Kristin LangnesTekna - Teknisk-naturvitenskapelig forening
Student RepresentativeOliver Bruborg Falk
Member of Election CommitteeMagne AartunEidsvoll kommune
Member of Election CommitteeMartina Sophia HalrynjoOfoten og Sør-Troms jordskifterett
EmployeeKatrine RønningBærum kommune Prosjektenheten - Teknisk
EmployeeSilje Bie HelgesenRogaland fylkeskommune Samferdselsavdelingen
International and Nordic cooperation
The professional network Norwegian professionals for the built environment represents Norway in several Nordic, European and international alliances.