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Stilisert illustrasjon som viser en lang trapp som med en mindre illustrasjon langs trappen som skal vise Karriereutvikling - Finn jobben - CV og Søknad - Intervjuet og Signere arbeidsavtalen

Job search and career development tips

Tekna can help you if you either want to look for a new job or stay in your current one and develop your skills there. We give you the advice, tools and inspiration you need, whether you’re starting your first job or moving closer to the end of your career. 

A good cover letter

When you’re going to apply for a job, you’ll need a well-written cover letter.

How to write a CV

When you’re going to apply for a job, you’ll need a structured CV. Here you’ll find our helpful advice and tips on how to write this important document.

Bilde av en person som leverer over en CV til en annen person
Locked padlock

We review your CV and cover letter.

Here you’ll find our helpful advice and tips on how to write these important documents. If you’re a Tekna member, you also have access to exclusive services like CV Builder and CV/cover letter review.

Locked padlock

We examine your employment contract


Tekna's legal advisors can review your contract

Illustrasjonsbilde av en gruppe unge medarbeidere
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