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Synne Lied
Synne Lüthcke Lied is chief negotiator for Tekna in Akademikerne Health

Salary settlement in Akademikerne Health

Akademikerne Health (Helse) is Akademikerne’s negotiating committee in the hospital sector; it enters into central agreements on how local collective bargaining should take place. Akademikerne Helse carries out annual negotiations with Spekter on behalf of over 23,500 members, of which Tekna has over 1,721 members.

Negotiations in Akademikerne Health

Akademikerne helse works to further expand the central agreement in order to provide good condiitons for patient treatment while taking care of employees at the same time. Salary should be actively used for recruiting and retaining hospital staff with a high level of competency.

All negotiations on salary adjustments are carried out either by each local member association or between each individual association and Spekter.

Tekna negotiates salary and local agreements, so-called Section B, at the individual enterprise, either as a Tekna group or through collaboration with Akademikerne.

Regulations pertaining to conflict in the negotiating association in Akademikerne Helse may be found in the Labor Disputes Act, main agreement between Akademikerne and Spekter, as well as the Section A agreement.

These decisions are nearly identical with other agreements where Tekna is involved, but in agreements involving Spekter-Akademikerne Helse, strikes can ideally take place based on breakdowns in local collective bargaining in the individual organization and/or disagreements between the central parties.

Get the highest possible salary growth

Tekna’s chief negotiators are clear on one thing: Salary levels should be negotiated locally and collectively in order to ensure effective negotiations and the highest possible salary growth

Forhandlingsleder i Tekna stat, Linn Guste-Pedersen. Forhandlingsleder i privat sektor Anders Kvam og forhandlingsleder i Tekna kommune Sonia Monfort Roedelè