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Showing 26–35 of 35 results
  1. Photonics enabled by Artificial intelligence, or vice versa?

    Photonics is one of the cross-cutting enabling technologies, especially suitable for combining with other ... implementation of photonics-based solutions in Norwegian industry can have a major impact on Norway's economic...

    Article IKT-bloggen Dec. 10 2021 Streaming
  2. ‘So Why Is Norway Rich?’: Falling Into the (Easy) Tabloid Trap

    ...away from the tabloids for awhile. To explain: Working and living in Norway as we do, we’re in the understandable ... workplace,journalistic standards,Norwegian workplace,the norwegian model, Working in Norway Talk about journalistic...

    Article Working in Norway May 12 2017
  3. Is this why we all want to work in Norway?

    Norway. Can the Norwegian welfare state and the strong Norwegian labor unions be a part of the explanation ... resident alien’ of the country for more than 20 years, I experienced firsthand the country’s welfare state...

    Article Working in Norway June 9 2021
  4. Newsletter April 2019

    Newsletter April 2019 Without trade unions, the rights that people take for granted could be lost “Low ... weakened trade unions could result in the loss of some of the rights that many people nowadays take for...

    Article Apr. 25 2019
  5. Working in Norway: Who’s the Boss?

    ...with staff responsibility given all the problems inherent in the very act of trying to control other ... with staff responsibility given all the problems inherent in the very act of trying to control other...

    Article Working in Norway Mar. 19 2017
  6. Here’s some advice if you’re entering into a shareholders’ agreement

    ...important to have a shareholders’ agreement in place at the outset. This agreement is a contract between shareholders ... shareholders that either deviates from or follows the Norwegian Companies Act. Råd og tips In Norway we have...

    Article Råd og tips Feb. 24 2022
  7. Intellectual property rights (IPR) - employees

    ...issues. Contact us also for more detailed guidance on the transfer of rights in employment relationships, notification ... calculate compensation and questions relating to the Mediation Board for employees’ inventions. Tel 22...

    Article Mar. 13 2015
  8. Here’s what you should know about a contractual early retirement pension (AFP)

    Are you entitled to collect the collectively bargained pension benefit called AFP (contractual early ... with AFP today? Råd og tips It’s definitely not the case that everyone’s covered by an AFP plan. And...

    Article Råd og tips May 23 2022
  9. Contact us

    ...membership? Dues What does membership cost? How is the membership billed? Is it possible for me to get a ... if I don’t pay? Why is the eFaktura showing up on several online banks at the same time? Why am I getting...

  10. Membership benefits from A-Z

    Magasinet W Work Here you get a complete overview of the membership benefits and how to use them! Several ... recommended starting salary, or the CV builder, require logging in. You log in with the email address you have...
