What is a Tekna group and why is it useful?
The Tekna group at your workplace is your forum to influence your salary and working conditions. If you start working in a company with a Tekna group, you’ll automatically become a member of it. If there is no group at your workplace, you can create one if there are at least three Tekna members in the company.
Get help from your Tekna group!
There are more than 600 Tekna groups in the private sector. Their representatives are given in-depth training, and Tekna covers all their expenses associated with this training.
Here are the main benefits of having a Tekna group:
- You can demand a collective bargaining agreement with your company.
- Through collective bargaining agreements, Tekna representatives get the right to discuss and negotiate important questions concerning members’ salary and working conditions. Without this agreement, the company can decide these issues on its own.
- Your Tekna representative acts as your spokesperson in meetings with company management, making communication between employees and employer easier and more efficient. These representatives also provide important support for each member.
Here's how to start a Tekna group
- If there’s no Tekna group where you work, you can make one if there are at least three Tekna members in the company. If you work in the public sector, there only needs to be two members to form a group. Contact Tekna’s administration for help and advice. Follow these steps to form a group:
- One or more members may send out an invitation to a meeting for members only whose agenda to form a Tekna group. Tekna may assist with running this meeting. For advice and assistance, contact our main office (tel. +47 22 94 75 00).
- During the meeting, you elect a board and agree on statutes. The board should consist of at least one chairperson and one deputy chair. Suggested statutes can be found here (Word)
- Send the statutes and meeting minutes to Tekna.
- Tekna sends a letter to the company to inform them that a Tekna group has been formed and demand that a collective bargaining agreement is made in cooperation with this group.
Conflict of interest
You can be a Tekna member without being part of salary negotiations. If you’re in a management position, this exemption may apply to you. Simply contact your Tekna representative to sort this out. If you don’t want to join the Tekna group , please let us know by sending us an email at [email protected].

Fredrik Stray-Adelsteen
Advisor group establishment
[email protected] Tel: +4792616882Feel free to ask me about forming a group!