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Advice and Tips

Your right to receive a reference letter

Modified: Feb. 23 2021

When an employee resigns, they’re entitled to receive a written reference letter.

The Working Environment Act § 15-15 (1) stipulates that an employee who resigns after giving legal notice is to be given a written reference letter from their employer. This reference must include the employee’s name, date of birth, work tasks and length of employment.

The requirement to include an employee’s work tasks involves more than just writing their job title.

The purpose of a reference letter is to provide documentation of the work an employee has performed along with a description of their work tasks (if applicable).

After termination

An employee may also demand to be given a reference letter if they’ve been terminated. In this case an employer may include in their reference letter the fact that the employee has been terminated.

If you’re having a problem getting your employer to give you a reference letter, we recommend that you contact us as soon as possible.

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