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Tekna Aquaculture

Tekna Aquaculture is the network for members interested in the marine industry. We create multidisciplinary meeting places for professional development and networking through hosting a variety of events. We also engage in professional policy issues in aquaculture, including fish health management.


Join the network

Member is both cost-free and commitment-free and is offered exclusively to Tekna members.  After joining, you’ll receive emails about relevant activities.

Membership: Send a text to 2007 using the code word HAVBRUK to become a member.

The ocean is one of Tekna's five focus areas, as an increasing number of members work in fisheries and aquaculture. Tekna supports the Norwegian government's vision of achieving substantial growth in the aquaculture industry as a result of having developed new and sustainable technology.  If we make good use of expertise, interdisciplinarity and technology, we can solve many of the challenges that this field faces, making the industry as a whole more sustainable in the future.

What we do and believe:

  • Tekna Aquaculture works for economic growth as well as safe and secure working conditions in the marine industry.
  • We believe that the marine industry must operate on sound and sustainable principles. Industrial members who operate in accordance with these principles should be rewarded.

We believe there’s a lot of technical knowledge in other industries that the marine industry can benefit from, and we seek more knowledge sharing  between different industries.