Strong salary growth for scientists and technologists
Salary development for scientists and technologists has been good, and the labor market has normalized after going through the yearlong pandemic, as shown in Tekna’s salary survey for 2021.
- It’s great to see that the labor market is making a strong recovery, says Tekna president Lars Olav Grøvik.

There was a 3.6 percent growth in average salaries for Tekna members working in the private sector in 2021. The increase in the government sector was 4.3 percent, while the municipal sector saw a growth rate of 2.7 percent.
- It’s fair that Tekna members’ salary increases have been good this year. The economy has stabilized, and there’s a great demand out there for technological labor and competency, says Grøvik.
He also believes that Tekna’s wage policy, which is based on responsibility, works. – Our members have shown responsibility through agreeing to a moderate wage settlement when their organizations have been going through challenging times, like what we’ve experienced during the pandemic. So it’s fair that they’re rewarded when these same organizations deliver good results, says Grøvik.
Great demand
Grøvik thinks it’s positive that the market’s adapting to the demand for technological labor – and is catching up again after last year.
-The fact that both the private and public sectors are managing to keep and recruit competent employees is important for implementing the green shift and ensuring that Norwegian technology develops efficient, sustainable solutions in the future, says Grøvik.
Starting salary in 2021: NOK 572,000
In 2021, the starting salary was NOK 571,911 for Tekna members working in the private sector. It was NOK 509,177 in the government sector and NOK 554,140 in the municipal sector.
. – Recent graduates are making a good starting salary, and this is the way it should be. Norway needs people with STEM competency (science, technology, engineering and math) who’ll develop sustainable and profitable solutions for industries. We also have to ensure high-quality public services. That’s why choosing these subjects in school has to be an attractive option. We still have a job to do to get more people to choose to study STEM subjects, and salary’s an important factor here, says Grøvik.
IT’s doing well
As Tekna’s salary statistics show, IT is one of the branches that’s seen the strongest salary growth over the past year. The average salary here increased by 5.4 percent during this time, and the IT sector hasn’t seen similar salary growth since 2008. - Not surprisingly, IT employees are among the ‘salary winners’ this past year. There’s a great need for people with an education in IT, especially those with expertise in this field. We’ve gone through a year where new digital technology has been introduced at record speed, and our members have been vital to this important work, claims Grøvik.
Facts about Tekna’s salary statistics:
- Tekna’s salary statistics are published annually on tekna.no and give readers an overview of Tekna members’ average post-graduate salary levels.
- These statistics form an important basis for both Tekna’s company union representatives and its work with members’ overall salary and employment conditions.
- Salary statistics have been published every year since 1946; this year marks the 76th year of their publication.
- The survey measures base salaries and supplements per 1 October and bonuses/commissions (gross) over the past 12 months.
- The survey was sent to 69,066 Tekna members during the period of 19 October - 3 December 2021. This year’s response rate was 61 percent.
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