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ITS og big data

Working in Norway

Making sense of cloud and edge computing

Written by Inge Harkestad Published: Oct. 25 2018 Streaming

A brief seminar on edge computing vs cloud computing

Should data from sensors, smart devices and autonomous systems be processed on or near the data source – on the so-called edge of the network? Or should this data be shipped into the cloud and processed there?

In an increasingly connected world, the answer may very well be yes, a little bit of both, please. Many Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0 and other distributed applications may need to combine a cloud architecture with an edge topology. Gartner has pinpointed “Cloud to the edge” as one of the key strategic technology trends for 2018, and all major cloud computing providers have launched their own edge services.

The 25th of October ITS Norway and Tekna Big Data hosted

Introduction to the topic – by Inge Harkestad, Tekna

William Braathen at Bitvis (Acando group)

Phu H. Nguyen at SINTEF Digital

Mikael Rydberg from Indra Navia

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