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Over 70% of Tekna’s members take advantage of our deal with Gjensidige Forsikring

Tekna members are a resourceful and attractive customer group. We’re good at taking care of both our health and personal belongings, and that’s why we’ve been able to negotiate a very advantageous deal with Gjensidige Forsikring. 

En far som holder sin datter i armene og begge ler i en hverdagssituasjon

You can save a lot!

You can save a large amount of money on your personal insurance through Tekna’s deal. Secure yourself and your loved ones with Tekna Disability Insurance Plus and Tekna Life Insurance.

You’ll also get very low prices on your car, home content and travel insurance.

Customer dividends

It’s easy to switch insurance companies, and don’t forget that Gjensidige pays out dividends to its customers – a fact you should include in your calculations.

We’re always working to make sure that our insurance deal stays among the very best over time – so you don’t have to!

Teknas page at Gensidige
En far som holder sin datter i armene og begge ler i en hverdagssituasjon

You can save a lot!

You can save a large amount of money on your personal insurance through Tekna’s deal. Secure yourself and your loved ones with Tekna Disability Insurance Plus and Tekna Life Insurance.

You’ll also get very low prices on your car, home content and travel insurance.

Customer dividends

It’s easy to switch insurance companies, and don’t forget that Gjensidige pays out dividends to its customers – a fact you should include in your calculations.

We’re always working to make sure that our insurance deal stays among the very best over time – so you don’t have to!

Teknas page at Gensidige