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Help, where do I start looking for a job?

Advice and Tips

Where can I find job openings?

Published: Mar. 11 2022

Recruitment advertising is a marketing process where employers try to attract talented people to apply for a position, usually after having done an in-depth evaluation of their companies’ competence needs.

Ideally, every job advertisement will include both a detailed job description and list of requirements. But it’s far from all companies that follow this plan, meaning that in some cases the information appearing in a job ad seems a bit random and unclear. 

Where can I find advertised positions?

Here’s a rundown of online sites where you can find job openings, register and submit your CV (in addition to any other relevant information). There’s also an increasing number of employers and recruiters who are actively using LinkedIn to look for new applicants, too.

We recommend that you take time to look through all open positions and not just think that entering certain keywords will bring up everything interesting to you. Not all employers are good at making sure they describe their open positions with correct keywords.

There are also a lot of job opportunities that aren’t advertised – in the informal job market.  

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