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Showing 1–6 of 6 results
  1. What is a personal pension account, and what does it mean for you?

    Who is Kron? Through our new agreement with Kron, you as a Tekna member will get access to one ... pension account. egen pensjonskonto,pensjonskonto,pensjon This means that the pension you’ve earned from...

    Article Oct. 17 2022
  2. Pension in Norway

    Everything you want to know about pensions The National Insurance Plan Occupational pension ... using the 20 years of highest income earnings. pensjon, tjenestepensjon, innskuddspensjon, ytelsespensjon...

  3. Have you reached retirement age – but still want to keep working?

    The recent pension reform has created the opportunity for you to have a great deal of ... making any decision about your future. pensjon,jobbe lenge,uttak pensjon,pensjonsreform Råd og tips While it’s...

    Article Råd og tips May 13 2022
  4. The ultimate checklist for your pension

    Taking a few easy steps can mean a lot for the amount of your pension when you retire. This checklist ... – and how much you’ll need. The website Norsk pensjon gives you an overview of your pension, including...

    Article Råd og tips Sept. 1 2021
  5. Doing this can increase your pension by several hundred thousand kroner

    You yourself can now choose where you want to place your employee pension, and management company ... have. Solheim advises you to check out Norsk Pensjon’s webpages to see what your existing pension savings...

    Article Råd og tips Jan. 31 2021
  6. Permittering

    31077 Permittering Er din virksomhet i gang med permitteringer? Da bør du kjenne til ... egentlig arbeidsgiver permittere? Hva skjer med pensjon, bonus og forsikringer under permittering? Formålet

    Course E-learning