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Tekna Health and Technology

Are you a Tekna member and interested in healthcare issues? Here you can learn a lot and build your network through taking part in exciting, interdisciplinary activities.


Join the network

Membership is both cost-free and commitment-free and is offered exclusively to Tekna members.  After joining, you’ll receive emails about relevant activities. To become a member, send a text to 2007 using the code word TEKNAHELSE.

We focus on issues related to the introduction and use of technology in the healthcare sector, whether it involves quality, innovation and business development, competence, education, costs or ethics.

We’ll also talk about the growing role of technical and scientific knowledge in the healthcare sector.

The network maintains a multidisciplinary focus. So whether you work in health-related R&D or IT,   operate or manage either health or welfare technology, or  work in medicine or healthcare-related biology/physics/chemistry: As a member of Tekna Health and Technology, you’ll  get both networking opportunities and opportunities for professional development.


Mette Meinert

Mette Meinert

[email protected] Tel: 93259526