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Tekna Biotechnologists

Tekna Biotechnologists is a network for members interested in biotechnology, which  is an important tool in biomedicine, cell and molecular biology and microbiology. Biotechnology is also important for creating a circular economy.

Join the network

Member is both cost-free and commitment-free and is offered exclusively to Tekna members.  After joining, you’ll receive emails about relevant activities.

Membership: Send a text to 2007 using the code word BIOTEK to become a member.

Tekna Biotek organizes professional events in all major Norwegian cities. We get engaged in issues that are important to you and the community. We have a broad definition of biotechnology and so use all organic materials to learn about or create products that are useful and necessary, including CRISPR, immunotherapy and various breeding techniques.

About us:

  • We aim to provide professional services to all Tekna members in biotechnology, biology, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, food, biochemistry, etc.
  • We support science communication, networking, creating interdisciplinary meeting places and making the field more visible.
  • We also believe it’s important to fight for good working conditions in research, innovation and business.
  • Tekna Biotechnologists is a solution-oriented contributor to many important issues and topics in the field.
