Tekna Biotechnologists
The network Tekna Biotechnologists is for Tekna members who work or are interested in biotechnology, molecular biology, chemistry, pharmacy, food, and biochemistry. It is completely free and non-binding to participate. Join us, and we will keep you updated on what’s happening.

As a part of the network, you get:
- A platform for knowledge sharing in biotech
- Professional enrichment and community
- Participate for free in our events and digital meeting places
- Access to an archive of professional content that you can view at any time
- Access to an extended network and the opportunity to meet others with the same interests
- Newsletter about events and activities in the network
- Opportunity to contribute to professional political issues and hearings
You are now part of the professional network. You will soon receive an email from us with more information. Manage your networks here.
You are already part of the professional network. Manage your networks here.
You must be a member of Tekna to join the network. However, you are welcome to attend several of our events open for all.
As a part of the network, you get:

- A platform for knowledge sharing in biotech
- Professional enrichment and community
- Participate for free in our events and digital meeting places
- Access to an archive of professional content that you can view at any time
- Access to an extended network and the opportunity to meet others with the same interests
- Newsletter about events and activities in the network
- Opportunity to contribute to professional political issues and hearings
You are now part of the professional network. You will soon receive an email from us with more information. Manage your networks here.
You are already part of the professional network. Manage your networks here.
You must be a member of Tekna to join the network. However, you are welcome to attend several of our events open for all.
About Us
Tekna Biotechnologists engages in matters that are important to you and society. We define biotechnology broadly, which means it encompasses all use of organic material to gain knowledge or create products that are useful and necessary for us, such as CRISPR, immunotherapy, and various breeding techniques.
We organize webinars, seminars, and conferences across a wide range of topics, from gene editing and health to plastic waste and gut bacteria, recycling, and food production.
Contact Us!
If you want to contribute and get involved, feel free to get in touch for more information.
The offering in Tekna Biotek is organized by a separate board together with Tekna’s secretariat.
- We work to provide professional offerings to all Tekna members within biotechnology, biology, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, food, biochemistry, and related fields.
- Our focus includes knowledge dissemination, networking, creating interdisciplinary meeting places, and promoting visibility in the field.
- We also advocate for favorable conditions for research, innovation, and busines.
The contact information for our representatives is only available to members.
HeadJennifer GjerdeHavforskningsinstituttet
Board MemberDmitry KechasovNIBIO Særheim
Board MemberEmma Wu Mikalsen
Board MemberHarrieth LundbergUiT – Institutt for elektroteknologi
Board MemberMartin-Kristofer Helgeland-RossavikForsvarsmateriell Landkapasiteter
Board MemberPundharika BarkvedOslo universitetssykehus HF, Aker
Board MemberTerje HekkelstrandLife Technologies AS Avd Oslo [Thermo Fisher]
Board MemberTrygve André Hagen StrømsnesHavforskningsinstituttet Avd Tromsø
SecretaryTone JuelTekna - Teknisk-naturvitenskapelig forening