The Story Behind Coastal Darkening
The darkening of the Norwegian coast is a new threat to the costal ecosystems. The first "Back to school" lecture of 2021 from Fagrådet in Agder will be in English and available for all Tekna members via Zoom.
Something is happening in Norwegian coasts. They are becoming darker.
In her talk marine biogeochemist Anne Deininger will give an introduction to the research behind this new threat to coastal ecosystems, and explain why finding solutions will require strong interdisciplinary collaborations. And with a special focus on land, not the sea.
Anne Deininger
Anne Deininger is a marine biogeochemist with specific research interest in the effects of climate change and human impacts on aquatic ecosystems, as well the development of sustainable solutions.
Deininger has an MSc in Biology (2012) and a PhD in Physical Geography (2017) from Umeå University in Sweden. From 2018-2020, she has been a postdoctoral researcher in coastal ecology at the priority research center "Center For Coastal Research" (CCR), University of Agder and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) in Grimstad.
From December 2020, she continues at NIVA as established researcher and project manager in the section for oceanography. Anne is a board representative for early career researchers at CCR, and one of Norway's representatives on the management committee of the European funding organization COST (European cooperation in science and technology).