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Katrine Olsson i dialog

Legal assistance

Our lawyers give you answers when you need them. We answer questions regarding legal challenges at work in addition to private matters.

Contact our legal department at tel. +47 22 94 75 00

Employment law

As a member, you are entitled to receive free legal advice regarding all aspects of your employment contract and working conditions. Subject to a review of the individual case, we can both prepare and prosecute court cases.We help you in a wide range of areas including dismissal, layoffs, patent creation and intellectual property rights.

Contact us at [email protected] .

Private law

Tekna also offers free consultations on private legal issues, including family law, sales contracts, housing, and dealings with government agencies.

Contact us at [email protected]

Use of the service

The helpline for labor law is open from Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM. You will hear from us within two days. In cases that require follow-up, you will be assigned a lawyer who will contact you.

To get legal assistance (follow-up of the case such as writing letters, contacting your employer/counterparty and legal proceedings) you must have been a member for at least six months before the issue for which you are seeking assistance arose.

Advice on straightforward legal issues is available to you from your first day of membership.

Legal emergency phone  +47 22 94 75 00

Q&A Our lawyers’ advice in your following worklife situations: 

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