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Oil Field Chemistry Symposium 2018

Mar. 4–7 2018Dr. Holms Hotel AS, GEILO

The unique event for oil field chemists and engineers. The program is a good mix of papers from academia and the industry.

The production chemistry network

The OFC Symposium has a good reputation for being a great conference due to the good mix of papers from the industry and the academia. With its friendly atmosphere, it is an excellent event to present at.
The informal format facilitates for excellent networking and business partnerships.

Focus for 2018

The special topic of the 2018 symposium is The Role of the Production Chemist
A short-course will be held the day prior to the symposium, Sunday 4th March.
This topic will also have a dedicated session amongst many other interesting session on the role of the production chemist and how we understand and manage production chemistry issues. 

Are we experts?

The industry is developing continuously. When you think you know the answer you will probably experience that you don’t, and still have much to learn.

Keeping yourself updated on trends and technology is an on-going process so register and you will learn a lot about the production chain and how the industry use oilfield chemistry to solve the ongoing challenges.
